5 Strategies for Pain-Free Gardening

5 Strategies for Pain-Free Gardening

It has been a long winter here in New England! Many of us are excited to get outside and work in our yards. We are seeing a lot of sore backs in our office from our clients doing too much yard work, too soon. If you are an avid gardener or are cleaning up your yard,...
Are You Stressed? Get a Massage!

Are You Stressed? Get a Massage!

Stress and Massage Why get a massage? According to a survey conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association, 28% of Americans who get a massage do so for relaxation and stress reduction. That’s a lot of people in the US who feel strongly enough about their own...
So… how did you sleep last night?

So… how did you sleep last night?

How well do you sleep? a.) I sleep really well! I usually have no issue getting 7-9 hours of restful sleep. b.) I don’t sleep enough. I have so much to do in the day than I usually go to sleep much later than I want to and I get maybe 5 hours. c.) I am not...
Random Acts of Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 11th starts International Random Acts of Kindness Week. Their website is packed with great ideas on how to celebrate, and we especially love the approach of committing a random act of kindness for three different people: Someone you don’t know Someone...
Why we love (and you love) Mother Earth Pillows

Why we love (and you love) Mother Earth Pillows

You know those weighted pillows we use during your serious massages? We proudly sell them and they are our most popular item!! We have many stories from our clients on how they look forward to using their Mother Earth Pillow at the end of the day. Recently, one of our...